As Bishop Vasa communicated to us the Pastors, Archbishop Jose Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles and USCCB Prersident, will lead a prayer of Re-Consecration (meaning Renewal) of our Nation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church on Friday, May 1, at 12 noon Pacific Time. The Catholic Church of the United States is joining with the Catholic Church in Canada where a similar action is taking place.
Bishop Vasa passed on to us the Pastors a liturgical program provided by the Secretariat for Divine Worship at the USCCB. I therefore would like to encourage you to participate in the Prayer Program conducted on the Nation Level at noon and on our Diocese Level at 11:30 am on May 1. The Diocesan Program is hosted by the Cathedral.
On our Parish Level, I would do this in conjunction with our Sunday Mass on May 3. Please do participate in both of them, the Sunday Mass and the Renewal (Re-Consecration) Prayer.
Father Bala.