Support St. Philip's and St. Teresa's
We are grateful for your support of our parish, ministries and historic churches. There are many ways to donate to our parish and ministries. Your donations are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax number is #37-1874623
Online GivingOnline giving using PAYPAL allows you to make a contribution easily and without writing checks. By selecting the appropriate "Donate" button below, you can direct where your contribution is to be used. Giving online helps the Church maintain a steady cash flow year round and support special projects and the maintenance of our historic properties.
Please select the button below that indicates where your donation is to be directed: |
All major credit cards are accepted and your contribution is fully tax deductible. |
Operating Expenses
Parish Maintenance |
Capital Projects and Repairs
Calvary Cemetery Maintenance
Rural Food Program
Support the St. Teresa of Avila Restoration Fund & Receive an Ansel Adams Print
Donate to the St. Teresa's restoration Fund and receive an exclusive, limited edition print of Ansel Adam’s original photograph of St. Teresa Church from 1953: All proceeds will support needed restoration of St. Teresa of Avila Mission. Only several hundred prints have been created from Ansel’s original negative. Each reprint is individually numbered. Prints are available for a donation of $225 plus $30 for shipping and handling. Frame not included.
Use the PayPal "DONATE" button below or contact our restoration committee members for your limited print: Joe Conway at 707-322-2652
Use the PayPal "DONATE" button below or contact our restoration committee members for your limited print: Joe Conway at 707-322-2652
Weekly Donation Envelopes
Many parishioners receive weekly donation envelopes by mail. Included in your weekly contribution envelopes are envelopes for “special collections.” These envelopes can be placed in baskets at weekend masses or mailed to the parish office. If you are not receiving weekly donation envelopes please call the parish office at (707) 874-3812.
Endowment Fund
An endowment fund has been established to provide for the long term financial health of our parish. For more information, please call the parish office and arrange to speak with our Pastor.
Endowment Account with Christian Brothers Investment Services of San Francisco for the Benefit of St Philip’s/St Teresa’s Parish
Endowment Account with Christian Brothers Investment Services of San Francisco for the Benefit of St Philip’s/St Teresa’s Parish
- During the weekend of October 1, members of the Finance Council announced the establishment of the Endowment Account named above.
- The goal of this account is to maintain our two historic churches in perpetuity and to insure the financial health of our parish.
- Our intent is to use Endowment Earnings as needed to maintain the structures and only use the principal balance in severe circumstances.
- The Endowment Account provides an opportunity for parishioners, visitors, benefactors, community members and friends to contribute to the long-term financial health of our historic buildings.
- Our parish is a 501c(3) tax entity, therefore contributions to the endowment account will in most instances be tax deductible.
- Contributions to the Endowment Account can be planned gifts, legacy planning, estate planning, gifting of certain non-cash assets, a named beneficiary for a retirement account or gifting on a current basis with checks made payable to St Philip’s Parish Endowment Account.
- The Endowment Account provides a financial resource for this parish that will last forever.
- Contact Fr. John Plass, Pastor, to discuss further.
Leave A Legacy
“You can’t take it with you” does not mean “you can’t leave it behind as you wish.” For more information, please call the parish office and arrange to speak with our Pastor.